AePDS Details-MahaePos

 Welcome to the MahaePos blog.

    On this blog you will get some technical issues regarding the e-POS machine of MHPDS based system of Government of Maharashtra as well as details of ration card number received by citizens as well as transaction information of cheap grain shopkeepers Will get information. We have information on Maharashtra government portal under this blog. For more detailed information, you have to visit this government portal.

By clicking on some of the links given below on the same portal, you can see the information you want.

Detailed information of MHPDS based system of Government of Maharashtra

Thank you

    Click on the link below and the official site of the pride will open, fill up your FPS code in the search box and click on the search button, after that all the details of your ePos will come, like, the name of Diller, nominee, cereal, You will get all this information of last month's distribution cereal, opening balance, closing balance

FPS details: FPS Details

    Click on the link given below and the official site of the pride will open, in the box there, click on the month and year of lime and submit (Submit), after which all the district names will come out of them, lime your district and area, then select Tahsil (Taluka) ) After that select your FPS number and click on it, after that you will get the information of all the RC (ration card) you have extracted, such as, the RC number, the grain received on the RC, date, cash, etc. will be found.

    How much RC is extracted from the cell registers to the FPS dealer and how much is left.

Sale register: Sale register


    Click on the link given below and the official site of the pride will open, in the box there, click on the month and year of lime and submit (Submit), after which all the district names will come out of them, lime your district and area, then select Tahsil (Taluka) ) After that, select your FPS number and click on it, after that the total amount of RC (Ration Card) is online in your FPS.

    That information is available on how many RCs the FPS dealer has online.


    Click on the link below and the official site of the pride will be open, there are months and years in the box and the plan and the plan like Wheat, Rice, Shugar, Dal, Free Dal, Wheat Carry, Rece Carry, Shugar Carry, Dal Free Carry, etc. Select and click on Submit, after that select your district and then select your taluka / tahsil, after that click on your FPS number.

    You can find out how much of the Yajna cell has been done with the Scheme Wise Cell.

Schemewise Sale: Scheme Free

    Click on the link below and the official site of the government will open, fill the month and year and RC number in the box and click on the submit button, you will get all the information of RC number, like distributed grain on RC, grains Get information, accustomed information of family member,

    RC Detail helps in making the card holder awake, this gives details about the card holder and the grain received on the ration card.

RC details: RC Details

राज्य वार एईपीडीएस सिस्टम विवरण

State Wise AePDS System Details:

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